The revolution of translational research and 3R is here.

Reduce human bias and save 30 percent in costs, time and animals.
Learn how!

Data is the foundation of science. We focus on bringing objectivity to the translational science environment.

Our approach is digitalizing the today existing manual environment. Reduce the human bias and leverage animal welfare.





Installing cameras around existing home cages and establish an remote observation system. Connected to the existing IT environment – to remote monitor existing home cages from outside the laboratory, from everywhere – even from home.

Since the 1990’s scientist and the industry are working on such solutions, but no system, based on home-cages, scalable with industrial grade is available – until now.

As fundament, we developed an own camera and light system. Our aim: Standardized, simple to mount and service.
Retrofittable because the existing installed base of home cage systems within animal facilities – around the globe – is massive.
Scaleability is important, because for experiments you need a larger number of home cages.

The outcome is the:

iMouse Solution

A standardized camera solution as observation unit, with advanced night light functionality, paired with standardized, scalable processing hardware, an open-source software hub transformed to a platform and a simple and transparent SaaS sales modell. On top of that, we are working with our science community on the establishment of an supportive AI system.

We reduces the human bias! This leads to a significant reduction of animals, costs and time by 30% and leads to objective and reproduceable results.

The collection and delivery of unbiased, better and more precise data for science- 24/7

Contact us for getting part of the science community.

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