Our Story

We reduce the human interaction in pre-

clinical research by digitalization and

machine learning.

Industrial and Science know how at IIoT-Projects GmbH combined  together with IoT and IT integration expertise at the Thaumatec Tech Group.

Both partners know on the disruptive move, developed a camera system, a platform and developing together now the AI platform to bring objectivity and reduce the human factor.

Our Team

Mirko Lampe

CEO & Founder

Mirko Lampe is an expert in information and communication technology and also studied International Business and Marketing. He has been globally involved in many different projects and brings experience from large-scale industry (10 years at Siemens AG) and medium-sized businesses (5 years at Bartec Group). Due to his background he speaks the same language as his customers and understands their needs

Dr. rer. nat. Janine Kah

CSO & Founder

Janine Kah holds a PhD in biology and is our expert in life science applications. Within her academic career, she has led various research projects at university and clinical institutions, bringing expertise in process transformation and translation. With her strong analytical background, coupled with her solution-oriented creativity, she strengthens our team in the implementation of innovative applications in the life science sector.

Dmytro Shestachuk


Dmytro has held several leadership positions. He started there as a Mobile NetworkShift Engineer and worked his way up the ladder and landed as a Solution Architect and Embedded Practice Coordinator for GlobaLogic in Poland. Furthermore, he became an expert in handling architectural multi-project solutions related to the Embedded IoT areas. Dmytro is the iMouse “key architect” to lead the path from product to AI solutions.

Marcel Ludwig


Marcel Ludwig with focus on Mechanical design, CAD and 3D printing is within our team the “Daniel Duesentrieb”.

His knowledge is based on more than 20 years working in different fields and the attitude of nothing is impossible and need to be simple.

He invented the plug and play approach of our DigiFrame. Focusses on industrial scale and modularity.

Stefan Schober

IT Integration Specialist

Stefan Schober is an IT expert specializing in IT and data center infrastructures, infrastructure monitoring and IT procurement. He gained his IT expertise in a scientific environment. He therefore knows very well that there can be dynamic requirements in research and how to deal with them. He supports us with his IT know-how in the area of consulting

Andrés A. Rodríguez Terán

Lead Platform UX/UI, CI/CD

Andres Rodriguez, brings a decade of multimedia expertise from the vibrant tech hubs of America and Germany. Having contributed to tech companies such as Google and showcased marketing talents at MEK Group, his versatile skills encompass branding, web design, post-production, FX, and motion graphics within UX/UI. As a visionary Senior Product Designer, he seamlessly merges creativity and functionality, consistently pushing innovation’s boundaries.

Advisor & Investor

Barend Smet

Barend has more than 20 years of experience working in international management, executive and finance roles, as well as broad experience as an entrepreneur in setting up companies in the field of IT and the Internet of Things at global scale.

Advisory Board Members

Dr. Oliver Strauch

Oliver is a specialist veterinarian in laboratory animal science and has worked as an animal welfare officer for over 20 years and has experience as an animal husbandry manager. He also has a lot of experience in education and training of scientists working in this field. He is particularly concerned with the implementation of the 3Rs (reduce, refine and replace).

Dr. Kristina Ullmann

Kristina Ullmann is highly experienced in laboratory animal science, welfare and husbandry. Working as an animal welfare officer since 2005 she is supporting scientist in planning and applying for research projects. She is regularly invited do give talks on animal welfare topics with a special focus on non-aversive handling and anesthesia/analgesia of rodents.

Achim Zentner

Achim supports the iMouse system development with a decade of engineering and management knowledge.

As managing owner of the Zentner group he is experienced in realizing and scaling international projects and focusses on industrialization and scaling of iMouse.

Our Story



Project start


First Prototyp


IIoT Projects GmbH founded


First time public introduction as iMouse Project @GVSOLAS


The year 2021


First iMouse product (remote access with live view)


Talk @ BF3R: Auftaktveranstaltung der BMBF Veranstaltungsreihe: Bundesnetzwerk 3R // „Wissenschaft am Computer – wie KI die Umsetzung der 3R unterstützt


First annual service

08/2022 - 01/2023


11/2022 - 03/2023

iMouse own hardware development

09/2022 - 06/2023

The year 2022

06/2023 - 07/2023

Field Installations


COST & Teatime Membership to drive DHCM

E 2023

installed base at LIV, MPI, Universität zu Koeln


Market launch of iMouse DHC retrofit approach for Tecniplast/ Allentown/ Zoonlab


iMouse with our CSO at the top of Mount Fuji, Japan


First iMouse solution Webinar


The year 2023


Exclusive Sales Contract with Company Zoonlab for the EU Market


New home cage adapter to retrofit iMouse to Techniplast Blueline Rat


Attendance IGTP, Jena, Germany


Attendance at the 3T – Animal Welfare conference in Travemuende, Germany


Market launch of iMouse 1.0
iMouse presentation at SCANDLAS


COST&TEATIME summer school workshop about DHCM

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